Österreich ist Täter is inspired by the project @sos_balkanroute . For the past 3 years they have been helping refugees in southeast Europe, organizing over 55 aid transports and hundreds of donation drives. They have played a crucial role in documenting over 13.000 cases of human rights violations against refugees at the EU external borders.
Denied asylum applications reached almost 40%, leaving many in limbo during and arduous 8-9 month processing period. Only 40% of refugee children are able to attend school in Vienna. While Austria allocated a mere 0.22% of its GPD for social integration measures. Illegal pushbacks, violence, and humiliation of refugees along the Balkan route are daily reality.
Listening to sos Balkanroute at an event I once again understood that helping those reduced is necessary but also just a treatment of the symptoms of a system that supports the idea of own power, own safety, own happiness and profits over the freedom of all people.
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